What's in the blog: 1

What's in the blog: 1

Ari recently took to Twitter and made an interesting post, the blogs reposted it and the comments went bananas.


....But could she have made a valid point?? Hmm let’s see!


While we can’t relate to the actual post, the message was very clear! In today’s skin care industry we’re expected to believe that a product that cost between $8 to $20 will help correct severe Acne/pigmentations. Let’s be honest, it’s highly unlikely that a product that can change your life in that manner will be sold for $8 dollars. The skin care industry has simply turned into a get rich quick scheme, as long as you have the hottest influencers advertising your product your company will sell out; Nevermind the people it will hurt in the process. People dealing with problematic skin will try anything to correct it and the fact that companies play on the emotional state of people battling Acne or scars is absolutely disgusting! To make matters worse, in most cases the influencer doesn’t even use the product! At SKIN AIDE RX our focus is on regaining your self love! Yes! We do correct the skin, but correcting the inner you is far more rewarding. At SKIN AIDE RX we don’t just sell corrective and preventative products, we sell CONFIDENCE, REASSURANCE and CERTAINTY.

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